Thursday, August 13, 2009

How To Stop Excessive Sweating

Among various social problems, Excessive Sweating also plays a major role. The sweating takes place at inappropriate times, or even in cool condition. For the normal persons, it may sound different and there may arise question what to be the big problem because of the sweating? It is only felt by the sufferers how they are embarrassed and annoyed to face the world. Most of the sufferers do not open the topic out, they keep silence. It will not be a solution to the problem; rather they make the situation more serious. The sufferers have to make search of ideas about how to stop excessive sweating.

Many think as antiperspirant and deodorant are to be the same, but they are used for different purposes. Antiperspirant has the content of aluminum chloride which helps to stop excessive sweating and deodorant is used for the purpose of eliminating body odor that is associated along with the sweating.

The botox injection and surgery may seem to be effective, but they may lead to some side effects. It is necessary the patients should make open talk with the doctor before going ahead with those treatments.

For those who are not benefited by those medical treatments can follow natural remedies. The natural treatments are more effective and you will find better results within a week. Maintaining good Hygiene helps to reduce the occurance of bacteria on your body which causes sweating and bad odor.

Our body contain toxins and they are released when sweat. We need to be in care of eliminating the foods causing sweat like preservatives, spicy foods. Drink plenty of water to maintain a balanced temperature. Exercise will also benefit you more.

Apply lemon juice, turnip juice, Sage tea will provide better result. You no need to be worry about any cause of side effects; they are natural, uncomplicated, and easy method to follow. On how to stop excessive sweating, you can find the solution easily.

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